Online Courses for Female Professionals

by Nikki Alderson

Nikki Alderson, specialist international Coach, Speaker and Author, and former criminal barrister,

  • supports law firms, barristers’ Chambers and other organisations to attract, retain and elevate female talent; and
  • empowers female professionals, in particular lawyers, to achieve career ambitions.

Since starting in business 2017, Nikki has specialised exclusively in:

  • Women’s leadership;
  • Career break return;
  • Workplace resilience, confidence and wellbeing

Using a combination of coaching experience in these areas, together with knowledge of the legal profession, after nearly 2 decades at the criminal bar, Nikki is now delighted to present a suite of online courses, showcasing a range of topics, to empower participants to achieve their desired outcomes, both at work and beyond.

You can view and enrol for the courses by clicking on the links below

Return & Rise™


This 8 week “Return & Rise” course successfully navigates returners through career break to return by providing a 4 part, 15 strategy plan to:

  1. Return with confidence &
  2. Achieve career progression

Recommended to be viewed by returners within 3 months, the course remains accessible over a period of 18 months.

Breaking Barriers to Being your Best...

...through resilience, knowing your own value and harnessing the imposter within

Are you…

  • Feeling stuck?
  • Lacking in motivation?
  • Holding yourself back?
  • Struggling with confidence and self-worth?
  • Under-valuing yourself?
  • Standing in the way of your own success?

If so, why not…

…Learn to back yourself?

Our new, online course will show you how, by sharing theory AND proven methods by which to implement result-based practical coaching strategies.

Life Balance and How to Achieve it…

…through mindset, prioritisation and creating healthy boundaries

Are you…

  • Feeling a lack of control around your outcomes?
  • Adopting a negative mindset?
  • Lacking focus?
  • Finding you never have enough time?
  • Struggling to say no?
  • Experiencing overwhelm?

If so, why not…

…Learn to achieve better balance?

Our new, online course will show you how to do so, both personally and professionally, by sharing theory AND proven methods by which to implement result-based practical coaching strategies.

Life balance and How to Achieve it

Workplace Wellbeing: 7 Steps to Wellness Success

What’s workplace wellbeing got to do with you?

  • Have there been times you’ve ignored your own wellbeing at work and adopted the stiff upper lip/ “just get on with it” approach?
  • Do you think that ringfencing “me time” is indulgent?
  • Have you wondered whether it’s actually even possible to prioritise wellness in the legal profession given the “always on”, 24/7 hour, billable hours culture?
  • Maybe you’re one of the 1 in 6 young barristers considering leaving the bar due to the long working hours and lack of work life balance?

This new, online course will show you ways to…

Find ways to…

  • Clearly identify the bigger wellbeing challenges
  • Set goals to positively influence short and longer-term wellness at work
  • Use a 7-step formula for improved, sustainable workplace wellness
  • Apply tried and tested coaching strategies and exercises to guide you to take meaningful action to increase your sense of personal and professional wellbeing
Workplace Wellbeing: 7 Steps to Wellness Success