Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course: Introduction Part 1

    2. Life balance and how to achieve it: Course Content

    3. Introduction Part 2: Introducing Focus Exercise

    4. Intro Part 2 Focus Exercise PDF

    5. Introduction to the aims and objectives of Nikki's work

    6. Before we begin...

    1. Module 1 Part 1 Start with the end in mind

    2. Module 1 Part 2 Strategic Thinking Exercise

    3. Module 1 Part 3 Introduction to Strategic Thinking Exercise

    4. Module 1 Part 3 Goal-Setting Exercise

    1. Module 2 Part 1 Life is only as good as your mindset

    2. Module 2 Part 2 Introduction to Resilience Exercise

    3. Module 2 Part 2 Resilience Exercise

    1. Module 3 Part 1 Time Ownership and Digital Distraction

    2. Module 3 Part 2 Time Ownership/ Distraction Avoidance Exercise

    1. Module 4 Part 1 Non-Negotiables and Saying No

    2. Module 4 Part 2 Boundaries Exercise

    1. Module 5 Part 1 Progression - Defining Success Your way

    2. Module 5 Part 2 & 3 Introduction to Defining Success your Way & Values and Beliefs Exercises

    3. Module 5 Part 2 Exercise 1 Defining Success

    4. Module 5 Part 3 Exercise 2 Values and Beliefs

About this course

  • £299.00
  • 28 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Learn to achieve better balance, starting today


  • “Helpful guidance on how to improve work life balance by using time at work more effectively”

  • “Useful reminder of how positive thinking can make a difference. Liked the note of words we use to influence behaviour and tips on distraction avoidance”

  • “…Not just abstract ideas about where to focus but…actions too”


You’ll find the answers to many commonly asked questions here. For the answers to any other course-related queries, please email [email protected].

  • How do I get started and access the course material?

    By enrolling on the course, you will gain immediate access to all the course content. The course is one you navigate yourself, so it is intended that you take it at a pace that you dictate yourself, within the parameters of a 6 month completion date.

  • How long does the course take?

    Whilst you have the option to undertake the course in one sitting, there’s c. 100 minutes of video recorded content, together with various coaching exercises to reflect upon and, more to the point, implement.

    It is recommended that you take one module at a time, and before moving on to the next stage, allow the learnings to percolate. Give time to implement the associated strategies and experience any changes that they bring.

    Taking one module per week, you should aim to complete the course in around 8 weeks but will have access to the contents for a total of 6 months. This ensures you stay accountable for completing the course within a reasonable and, more importantly, effective period of time.

  • What additional support/ resources are available?

    There are plenty of other resources signposted within the “Other Resources” section of the course.

    Additionally, you are encouraged to join the Facebook group for online course alumni to gain further support from your peers. There will be occasional coach input and engagement there too.

    For more specific, individual coaching support, you can set up 1-1 coaching with Nikki at a preferential rate, exclusive to online course users, by emailing her at [email protected].

  • How do I measure my outcomes?

    You will be invited to complete a survey both at the start and end of the course to measure the “distance travelled” between course commencement and conclusion.

  • Where do I go in the event of any problems related to the course?

    For technical issues, please report immediately so they can be sorted in as timely a way as possible, by emailing [email protected].

    For any other issues, please contact Emily Gray, PA to Nikki Alderson, via her email, [email protected], quoting “OCQUERY”.

  • Where do I sign up?

    You can sign up for the course using any of the "enrol now" buttons above